So everyone knows that textbooks are expensive. There are ways to economize on textbooks and frequently even find cheap textbooks. These are some purchase techniques to think about for saving cash in locating the lowest priced textbooks available.
One of the finest techniques to save money on college textbooks is to buy them used and then to resell them. I am really not talking about going to school book store where used textbooks are still expensive and buyback rates are pathetic. To really save you should go to a textbook price comparison service that compares the 50+ online textbook outlets and reports who has the cheapest college textbooks now. It is not shocking to see prices vary by large amounts between the different booksellers and the site with the cheapest price shifts as inventory levels change. Using a price comparison service you will know you are buying the unmitigated cheapest priced textbook. You need to also utilize a buyback price comparison site to make the most of your return when it comes time to sell the textbook.
The next cheapest path is with textbook rentals. The price comparison report you received when attempting to find used textbooks should also contain the prices for rental textbooks. Just remember there isn't any sell back worth for rented textbooks. Rental textbooks could be the cheapest source when you are locked into purchasing a just released version which has no used inventory.
Another way of finding lower-priced textbooks is to consider buying international editions or prior versions of the textbook currently being used. International editions have the same content but are made at a lower price point to go to other countries. Generally they're going to have a paper cover and frequently lighter weight pages and are significantly cheaper than their US cousin. Prior versions of the textbook now in use are sometimes awfully cheap. Many times the changes from version to version are very minor and frequently the sole change is shuffling of chapters or the layout of the book. Check with your Professor about the usage of the prior version as they had to update their lesson plan when the latest version came out and will be quite familiar with the changes.
In summation there are methods to lower textbook costs. A good price comparison website should help you to see what options are available and the prices for each. This is one product where comparison shopping is an absolute must.
One of the finest techniques to save money on college textbooks is to buy them used and then to resell them. I am really not talking about going to school book store where used textbooks are still expensive and buyback rates are pathetic. To really save you should go to a textbook price comparison service that compares the 50+ online textbook outlets and reports who has the cheapest college textbooks now. It is not shocking to see prices vary by large amounts between the different booksellers and the site with the cheapest price shifts as inventory levels change. Using a price comparison service you will know you are buying the unmitigated cheapest priced textbook. You need to also utilize a buyback price comparison site to make the most of your return when it comes time to sell the textbook.
The next cheapest path is with textbook rentals. The price comparison report you received when attempting to find used textbooks should also contain the prices for rental textbooks. Just remember there isn't any sell back worth for rented textbooks. Rental textbooks could be the cheapest source when you are locked into purchasing a just released version which has no used inventory.
Another way of finding lower-priced textbooks is to consider buying international editions or prior versions of the textbook currently being used. International editions have the same content but are made at a lower price point to go to other countries. Generally they're going to have a paper cover and frequently lighter weight pages and are significantly cheaper than their US cousin. Prior versions of the textbook now in use are sometimes awfully cheap. Many times the changes from version to version are very minor and frequently the sole change is shuffling of chapters or the layout of the book. Check with your Professor about the usage of the prior version as they had to update their lesson plan when the latest version came out and will be quite familiar with the changes.
In summation there are methods to lower textbook costs. A good price comparison website should help you to see what options are available and the prices for each. This is one product where comparison shopping is an absolute must.
About the Author:
Bob Jones made to help students find cheap college textbooks. The site offers buying price comparisons, buyback price comparisons as well as textbook coupons and codes.