The idea behind college that a lot of high school graduates do not grasp is that college is not a simple extension of any prior education. To attend college is not just a step up on the educational ladder, like grammar school to junior high to high school. But college is more than just high school intensified - rather, it serves as the missing link between our teenage years and adulthood, in more ways than just education. Experience college as a winding roadmap destination: to know where it all leads to is beside the point. It's getting there that's the fun part.
Meeting new contacts is the first main reason to go to college. But unlike meeting new people at the coffee shop or at the bar over a few drinks, the people you'd meet at college have their own set of interests. When you're in college, you'll notice there are certain types of people who take specific classes, which, in a way, is dictated by their behavior. All you need to do is to find your own niche. It may be a passionate interest, or merely a passing one. Very few institutions will offer such benefits, especially from such a collective of varied minds and hearts. Your decision-making and problem-solving skills will be challenged as you learn to be a risk-taker. Your eyes should always be set on the prize as you explore your new environment.
Expand your network. Networking can help you go a long way regardless of your plans, once you meet the right people with similar ambitions or interests. These opportunities can pay off for you sooner than you think. The reality of the real world is inscribed in stone: nobody ever got anywhere on their own. Help each other out and you have the potential to go far.
The future could mean so many things to you, but you may not know it yet. You need time to let things work themselves out, although it's always good to have an idea of where you want to be after college graduation. Study during your free time and don't push yourself too hard. Don't ignore your general ed classes, as this could help you revisit what you learned in high school. If a class piques your interest, enroll in it. Deviate. If a certain class intimidates you, why not enroll to see how you'll do? Explore what was never charted. You may excel in a certain subject but not be aware of it just yet. Exploration can be the key to success, so do so whenever you could.
Keep yourself busy. This means going to the library and borrowing random books, eating at restaurants or other places you wouldn't normally eat at, and explore the campus in and out - and party, party, party as long as it doesn't ruin your studies! Always remember that college is more than just education and sitting in class - catch up with your friends at the nearby coffee shop once school's out for the day. College is a lifestyle in itself that continues to evolve. It just keeps on going. And in the years to come, it will always be a way to reshape minds formed in grammar school and high school. Would you really still be the same person once you graduate from college?
Meeting new contacts is the first main reason to go to college. But unlike meeting new people at the coffee shop or at the bar over a few drinks, the people you'd meet at college have their own set of interests. When you're in college, you'll notice there are certain types of people who take specific classes, which, in a way, is dictated by their behavior. All you need to do is to find your own niche. It may be a passionate interest, or merely a passing one. Very few institutions will offer such benefits, especially from such a collective of varied minds and hearts. Your decision-making and problem-solving skills will be challenged as you learn to be a risk-taker. Your eyes should always be set on the prize as you explore your new environment.
Expand your network. Networking can help you go a long way regardless of your plans, once you meet the right people with similar ambitions or interests. These opportunities can pay off for you sooner than you think. The reality of the real world is inscribed in stone: nobody ever got anywhere on their own. Help each other out and you have the potential to go far.
The future could mean so many things to you, but you may not know it yet. You need time to let things work themselves out, although it's always good to have an idea of where you want to be after college graduation. Study during your free time and don't push yourself too hard. Don't ignore your general ed classes, as this could help you revisit what you learned in high school. If a class piques your interest, enroll in it. Deviate. If a certain class intimidates you, why not enroll to see how you'll do? Explore what was never charted. You may excel in a certain subject but not be aware of it just yet. Exploration can be the key to success, so do so whenever you could.
Keep yourself busy. This means going to the library and borrowing random books, eating at restaurants or other places you wouldn't normally eat at, and explore the campus in and out - and party, party, party as long as it doesn't ruin your studies! Always remember that college is more than just education and sitting in class - catch up with your friends at the nearby coffee shop once school's out for the day. College is a lifestyle in itself that continues to evolve. It just keeps on going. And in the years to come, it will always be a way to reshape minds formed in grammar school and high school. Would you really still be the same person once you graduate from college?