Behind every little thing that came to be is an inspiring story. It may look simple, ordinary and even cliche the first time but when you realize the meaning behind it, you will know how important it is for certain individuals. Like the magnets that has pictures of every known African American person, if you look closer and search the internet harder, you would know that these simple magnets are a representation of the contribution that they have done to America.
In recognition of the many things that the black people have contributed to the US, is the conception of the Black History month which was later called as African American History Month. Every February of the year, black history magnets for sale would flood online shops. Each magnet has a picture of every person who made significant contribution to America in whatever field or it would depict the image of an important milestone of for them.
This event started 100 years after slavery in the United States ended. Carter Woodson and Minister Jesse Moorland were the first ones who launched this event. The month February was chosen so that it would correlate to the birthday of another African American icon Frederick Douglass and President Abraham Lincoln as well.
Before, this function only lasted for a week. It was also known as the Negro History Week. Then later on, as the event garnered more attention, in the 1960s to be exact, the event was celebrated for the whole month. When Gerald Ford, recognized the celebration, many were glad. And the tradition continues up to this day.
Since the conception of this event, many organizations have been created. These organizations aim to promote awareness of what the colored race have given to the society. One leading organization which is geared towards this aim is the NAACP or what is known as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
There was a time in America when the black citizens where not seen as people but as properties being sold and enslaved. And when the era of slavery ended, the African American citizens had to battle racial discrimination. But in the midst of all the struggles, some of them thrived and were able to contribute and help develop the American way of living nowadays.
Every year since 1976, presidents of the US gives a proclamation every February of the year in celebration of the African American History Month. They encourage communities and schools to observe proper activities. There are even schools who that dedicate programs and lessons to in accordance to this affair.
Because of this annual function, the nation became more aware of the great impact the black people had on their lives. In fact, they have made an impact all over the world. In the aspect of literature and arts, you can say that what we hear and what we see nowadays is heavily influenced by their culture.
The simple things, such as the magnets, have a very deep story behind it. It became the symbol of victory for them. If you know the story, then you would know that there is more to it than just sticking it in your fridge. That is the time when it would be worth every single dollar that you spent buying it.
In recognition of the many things that the black people have contributed to the US, is the conception of the Black History month which was later called as African American History Month. Every February of the year, black history magnets for sale would flood online shops. Each magnet has a picture of every person who made significant contribution to America in whatever field or it would depict the image of an important milestone of for them.
This event started 100 years after slavery in the United States ended. Carter Woodson and Minister Jesse Moorland were the first ones who launched this event. The month February was chosen so that it would correlate to the birthday of another African American icon Frederick Douglass and President Abraham Lincoln as well.
Before, this function only lasted for a week. It was also known as the Negro History Week. Then later on, as the event garnered more attention, in the 1960s to be exact, the event was celebrated for the whole month. When Gerald Ford, recognized the celebration, many were glad. And the tradition continues up to this day.
Since the conception of this event, many organizations have been created. These organizations aim to promote awareness of what the colored race have given to the society. One leading organization which is geared towards this aim is the NAACP or what is known as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.
There was a time in America when the black citizens where not seen as people but as properties being sold and enslaved. And when the era of slavery ended, the African American citizens had to battle racial discrimination. But in the midst of all the struggles, some of them thrived and were able to contribute and help develop the American way of living nowadays.
Every year since 1976, presidents of the US gives a proclamation every February of the year in celebration of the African American History Month. They encourage communities and schools to observe proper activities. There are even schools who that dedicate programs and lessons to in accordance to this affair.
Because of this annual function, the nation became more aware of the great impact the black people had on their lives. In fact, they have made an impact all over the world. In the aspect of literature and arts, you can say that what we hear and what we see nowadays is heavily influenced by their culture.
The simple things, such as the magnets, have a very deep story behind it. It became the symbol of victory for them. If you know the story, then you would know that there is more to it than just sticking it in your fridge. That is the time when it would be worth every single dollar that you spent buying it.